Stolen Wallpaper

Words but a whisper, deafness a shout

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Location: Zeeland, Michigan, United States

Hi. I wish I had a job selling squirrels. They're so furry, and give you toothy grins. Unless they're rabid, in which case they will eat your face off and then find the rest of your family. That's not so good, I guess.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Via Mardot bio attempt

She emerged from the fog on the shipping docks, freshly disembarked from the last steam liner out of Bordeaux, the dust of the Paris streets still upon her black woolen overcoat.  Via Mardot walked into the nearest saloon, pushed her black chapeau back, commandeered the old RCA microphone, and began to croon.  Songs that owe a debt to ye-ye pop and prewar ballads, but are still utterly her own. Secrets of dark deeds and desperate times among desperate men reveal themselves.  Via Mardot is both weary of this world and hungry to make it better.  Now available from, and wherever music can be streamed or sold digitally.  Let her cast a spell in your direction.



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