Stolen Wallpaper

Words but a whisper, deafness a shout

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Location: Zeeland, Michigan, United States

Hi. I wish I had a job selling squirrels. They're so furry, and give you toothy grins. Unless they're rabid, in which case they will eat your face off and then find the rest of your family. That's not so good, I guess.

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Live Show Log, March 2021

3 3 21 Seth Bernard #15  Livestream for the Ark

3 5 21 Ben Traverse #4  single release livestream

3 6 21 Kalamazoo Fretboard Festival livestream:  Darcy Wilkin (#33) and Mark Sahlgren (#3)/Brian Koenigsknecht #21/RENE MEAVE/Megan Dooley #22/SASHA BATTLE/BOB ROWE & THE GREEN VALLEY BOYS/Susie Parr Trio #5/JOEL MABUS/The Go Rounds #9

3 9 21 CARSIE BLANTON  Livestream for Blissfest

3 10 21 Via Mardot #42 Livestream for The Ark

3 17 21 Jack And The Bear #12 Mortal Madness livestream

3 19 21 Full Cord #3  Park Theatre, Holland 

3 24 21 Spread The Music Festival Livestreams: BEAVER XING/ROB CROZIER JAZZ ENSEMBLE/DANI DARLING/TAMI RENE/KRIS PRIDE/MIKE WARD/RUTH & MAX BLOOMQUIST/ANNIE & ROD CAPPS/Sari Brown #4  Live from the Listening Room, where I was in attendance:  Jessi Phillips #3/Kyle Rasche #2/CAITLIN CUSACK/Political Lizard #8/AUDREY PEARSON  Streamed:  Lokella #2/Bob Rowe & the Green Valley Boys #2

3 25 21 Spread The Music Festival Livestreams:  BENZING GRAVES COLLECTIVE/KIMBERLY MEGORAN/Aspen Jacobsen #3/JAI FEARS/PINTER WHITNICK/Diana Ladio #2/ED & GRETCH/Lighting Matches #3/The Ryne Experience #2/JETTY RAE/Danielle Cosby #2 (with Max Brown)  Live from Crooked Tree Arts Center: Charlie Millard #3/Elizabeth Landry #3/BRUCE SMITH/ROBIN LEE BERRY/Sean Miller #4/Caroline Barlow #2/HOLLY KELLER-THOMPSON  Livestream:  The Marsupials #2

3 26 21 Spread The Music Festival Livestreams: JUDY BANKER BAND/HANDGRENADES/Dede Alder #10/Treeskin #2/JAH CONNERY/SHAWN BUTZIN/JROB/Aaron Wright #5/KANIN/Ani & Kora #2 Live from 20 Front Street:  Mike Ward #2/TOM ALTER/Jill Jack #2/KAT STEIH  Livestream:  The Accidentals #19

3 27 21 Spread The Music Festival Livestreams: THE MOONRAYS/The Brandino Extravaganza #8/KATE HINOTE TRIO/DEEPFALL/Kari Lynch Band #3/INDIGO MOON/THE HAZEL JAMES BAND/Valentiger #3  Live from Seven Steps Up, where I was in attendance and desperately trying to salvage the show:  Megan Dooley #23/Nicholas James Thomasma #18/Carrie McFerrin #41/Sandra Effert #11/Max Lockwood #11/Kaitlin Rose #18/Nathan Walton #2 Livestreams:  VINNIE DOMBROSKI with Jackson Smith/JACK DROPPERS & THE BEST INTENTIONS/FLYLITEGEMINI

3 28 21 Spread The Music Festival Livestreams: NORMAL MODE/NESSA MUSIC/IN THE BLUE JAZZ ENSEMBLE/THE MICKEYS/OVERDRIVE ORCHESTRA/LVRS/BARBAROSSA BROTHERS/THE BLUE PINES/The Gasoline Gypsies #3  Live from the Listening Room, where I was in attendance: Mark Lavengood #13/Loren Johnson #4/Stovepipe Stover #9/Emilee Petersmark #21/Ben Traverse #5/Hannah Laine #3  Livestream:  BRIAN VANDER ARK



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